"Before setting off, many fears creep into one’s mind, especially after listening to all the bad stories from the news or scared people around you. In the beginning, we were terrified of going to Mexico or Honduras, but these countries turned out to be so beautiful, with good people and we didn’t have any bad experience there. Obviously, we were cautious, never rode at night, avoided dark alleys and tried not to stand out from the crowd. It all worked well for us. We always say listen to your intuition, be flexible and stay open to opportunities that come your way. When you don’t know the language, remember that your smile may say more than a thousand words. What you bring to the world comes back to you, so keep your inner light on!" - Liwia Klich

The LifeWeLove duo of Liwia Klich and Sebastian Mazur come from the beautiful Sudeten Mountain region located in the southwest of Poland. “We’ve covered thirty eight countries so far, having done over 68 350 mi / 110 000 km in Europe, North and South America.” Before that, they were doing office-based jobs mainly spending their time in front of computers. “Sebastian (Joki) is a web developer, and I worked as a graphic designer. Sometimes we’d combine our skills and build websites together as a way to earn some freelance money. That’s something we still do while out on the road so we can make a few extra bucks to carry on the journey.”

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