Two days ago we were frustrated and tired with all the bad things that recently have happened to us with the robbery of equipment worth $ 2,5 K on the top of that and we started to look for flights back home. We did feel some gap inside though. We’re very grateful for the encouragement and supportive attitude of so many people, who follow our adventure. It really has brought our hope and strength back and we decided to do everything we can to finish our journey the way we dreamed of it. Thank you so much, you are the best, true friends all over the world, we feel extremely lucky after all! And HUGE thanks to the wonderful people from Puerto Montt and Santiago, who immediately decided to help by hosting us, assisting with police procedures, translating, advising what else to do. Thanks to them we know there are many good and friendly people in Chile and the thieves, who robbed us are only sad cases of truly desperate personas.
To answer your questions of how else you can help, there are a few ways:
> If you know Spanish or have friends with Spanish, please share the list of stolen items attached below and help us by looking for them on local sale groups on Facebook, online auctions or write links in the comments below to websites where we should look for it.
> If you live in Puerto Montt area and happen to be at a local flea markets, please pay attention if you see our stuff on sale there.
> If you have a similar equipment for sale that would be reliable or see some good deals in Puerto Montt or Santiago, please let us know. The most essential for us are down sleeping bags, good for at least -10 as we sometimes camp in the snow.
> If you know some brands that have production / distributors in Chile or Argentina that would potentially support us with the equipment, at least give a discount, please share your ideas.
> Hire us. In order to carry on the journey we need more funds and we have been planning to stop in Bolivia or Paraguay and work online, doing WordPress based websites, online applications, graphic designs. If you need this kind of service, please contact us on priv and we will show you our portfolio.
> You can donate money through our website: https://lifewelove.com/en/ by clicking the green button on the right (or bottom on mobiles) which enables PayPal payments.
Share this info with people, who can help.
Thank you, Gracias, Dziękujemy!
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